I am starting this new blog for friends and family, so they can follow my "new" journey in life. Where do I begin......April 21st. April 21st is a day I will never forget and I hope I will never go through another day like that again. That was the day the I was
diagnosed with Breast Cancer. When Dr.
Wintch said the tumor was cancer. I guess I didn't quite understand what he was telling me. It wasn't until his medical assistant came into the room and started talking about surgery,chemo and radiation. There was no way they were talking about me. Dr.
Wintch asked me to follow his medical assistant to her office so that she could schedule my surgery. As she started making phone calls, I remember her talking on the phone to the
IHC Cancer Care Coodinator and said, "We have a newly diagnosed breast cancer
patient." At that moment I knew she was talking about me. I was in complete shock! There is no way this could be happening to me. I am young, I have young kids, and I just had a baby 6 months ago. I scheduled my
surgery that following Tuesday. They night before surgery I was given a blessing. I felt very calm and knew that everything was going to be
OK and I would pull through this. That morning I went into surgery not knowing what they were going to find. Also I was aware that I could possibly have a
mastectomy. As I came out of surgery I laid in the recovery room I didn't ask any questions to the nurse about what
happened during surgery. I just wasn't ready to hear the news. As the nurses rolled me down the hall I saw Brett he had the biggest smile on his face. At that point I knew the surgery was successful. Dr.
Wintch removed my tumor and the
surrounding tissue. Seven
lymph nodes were removed and tested which all come back negative for cancer. I knew that the Lord had answered my prayers and I know that's way I felt so calm and at peace. I have a great support system and I am thankful for the good friends that I have. They have taken my kids at the drop of a hat and have done so much for me. When I first found out that I had cancer, my family and friends made sure that I wasn't alone. They each day their "shift" to be with me. Thank you again.
Oh my gosh, Sara! I had no idea what you've been going through. What a trooper you are! My older sister was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 34 and also 7 months pregnant. So reading through your blog I know you've been through h*ll and back. Bless your heart! I am so going to pray for you and your family. I loved the pink party, sounds like you've got a super support group. Love ya, girl. I'll be thinking of you.